A slow start to the new year. The kind of two weeks where all you’re thinking is, “I hope (and pray) that nobody randomly shows up at my front door”. I was tired, unproductive, and somewhat lax on washing the dishes and tidying up. Couldn’t bring myself to do much at all. Not even go for a walk, or text a friend. I’m not depressed or in relapse, not at all … but I always find January a bit difficult in terms of energy and mental surplus.

Then, my book came out.

And, as I always do, I rallied and got myself together again.

Now my flat is spick and span, my head is clearer and I’ve managed to go walking.

12th January 2023. My English book came out. And I already have several five-star reviews on Amazon and Saxo. This has given me such a surge and boost, I can’t tell you how great it feels.

A published author – internationally!

Not only how great it feels … but how right it feels. I feel I’m well on my way to demonstrating what I’m best at. I’m 28 and determined to succeed … and this is just the beginning. My illness limits me in so many ways, but it hasn’t broken my spirit – and that’s perhaps the most important thing of all.

Have you heard the song “Hall of Fame” by The Script? It’s one of my current favourites, along with Taeyeon’s “Spark” and Zara Larsson’s new number, “Can’t Tame Her”. I’m also listening to Måneskin’s new album, RUSH!, on repeat – but the first three songs I mentioned really sum up where my head is at the moment. Oh, and “Warrior” by Nina Sublatti – a Eurovision work of art (from 2015). Maybe I should make a “pump-you-up” playlist, schizophrenic author edition 😉

Anyway, my point with mentioning all of this is that I’m feeling good. Happy. Driven. Capable. Confident. I’m taking my medicine, I’m getting plenty of rest, and I’m also pushing myself beyond what any of us thought possible – in my own way and without overstepping my own boundaries.

Additionally, I’m helping people and reaching a wider audience with my story, which I hope will touch the lives of many and give hope to those who need it the most. In the midst of all the glory and soaring confidence, this is a significant reminder for me to keep sharing my experiences, reflecting and pushing ahead.

I won’t stop until I’m done.

So, Georgia. You’re a published author in Denmark. You’re a published author in the UK. What’s next?

We’ll see, my friends … we’ll see 🙂

Bring on 2023.